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Merrily merrily merrily merrily 欢快的 欢快的 欢快的 欢快的…… [I]

A walk in Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul takes the adventurer into century-old Hanoks, offering a peek at some seriously exquisite craftsmanship. Being avid paper-lovers, we find ourselves walking into the Dakpaper Doll Workshop, naturally.


*breathebreathebreathe* Each and every piece on the pedestal left us in awe and the urge to cop a feel. “Look look look...... it’s really paper! hey hey hey, that is......soooooo incccrrrreeeeedible!!!”

It took us quite a while to get regain our composure and make our way out of this charming little workshop.

*深呼吸深呼吸深呼吸* 这里的每一件展览品都令我们想伸手触摸。“你看你看…… 真的是纸哦…… 哎哎哎,再看这个…… 哇~ 太不—可—思—议了!”


Sure enough, we got ourselves a cosy spot in an enchanting Hanok. Life is...... but a dream. Indeed~

可想而知…… 这一夜,我们住进了韩屋。都说人生不过梦一场 —— 酒不醉人,人自醉。

... To be continued待续 ...

 Previously * 回看 


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+ 冬季 WINTER +

嘿 Stranger...

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+ 春季 SPRING +

from 上海 with love

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+ 秋季 AUTUMN +

狂奔向你 drawn to you

( _____________ )

moving forward 前进!前进!前进进!

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