it's your day 今天你说了算 [I]

You spend hours trying to catch a wink; by the wee hours of the morning, you know it's insomnia. You continue lying in bed, 4am... 5am... 6am... 7am, time to feed the dog! Another day slips by before you know it.
Consider letting your mind wander to the other side of the world. In a totally different time zone...... it's your day! If you really have no idea where to roam, we have some ideas to get you started!
深夜到凌晨一直迟迟无法入睡,你肯定自己失眠了。你继续躺着,4点.... 5点... 6点... 7点,该起来喂狗狗啦!然后,又一天过去。
或许,可以考虑让自己在意念中 “梦游” 到世界的另一角。在一个完全不同的时区里…… 今天你说了算!想干嘛就干嘛!如果不晓得去哪儿,我们可以先为你出些点子!

San Francisco 旧金山 : Kite Hill 风筝山顶
Late-night wanderlust special
Now, listen to the houses
as they spill secrets of this city
and stay......
till you spot that sweet couple
walking their puppy
... to be continued 待续 ...