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Mr. Lim (Singapore / 新加坡)

Mr. Lim is a retired art teacher. Every morning, he walks around the park with his wife...... from time to time, fallen tree barks and seeds will usually end up amongst his collection.

Mr. Lim 是位退休的美术老师。每天早上都会和太太到附近的公园晨运…… 常常会看到脱落的树皮和种子而他总爱将它们带回家。

With his magical touches, he transforms even the most mundane seeds into little art installations of sorts. Even a withered pot of bonzai has come back to life after he dabbled the leaves with paint!


The pieces he created with tree barks are the ones we love most! As we stared in fascination at the landscapes on the wall, Mrs. Lim pointed us in the direction of the little house amongst the mountains. We were utterly mesmerized~


Mr. Lim’s new beginning is to create more mobile spaces in his studio like his hanging art pieces. As we chatted on, we realized that he and his wife frequently visit China, especially Shanghai. Coincidentally, our first message for Spring season is from上海with love..... what would they remember about Shanghai?

Mr. Lim 说新的开始在于腾出空间,希望自己在新的一年里可以将工作室变得像移动装置一样轻巧,每个角度都不一样。聊着聊着,发现他和太太经常到中国旅游而最常去的便是上海。刚巧我们春季的第一句话是 from上海with love…… 想到上海,他们会想到什么呢?

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+ 冬季 WINTER +

嘿 Stranger...

Wish... you were here 希望…有你

新的开始… new beginning


+ 春季 SPRING +

from 上海 with love

it’s your day! 今天你说了算!

it’s been a while 好久不见


+ 夏季 SUMMER+


row row row your boat 划呀划呀划小船

慢慢 · 快活 swingmyswinghigh


+ 秋季 AUTUMN +

狂奔向你 drawn to you

( _____________ )

moving forward 前进!前进!前进进!

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