Vivi (Shanghai 上海)

While thinking of Dali's blue skies in the midst of Shanghai's gloominess, we received a-piece-of-sky from our neighbor. Could it be coincidence or something magical just happened?
在雾茫茫的上海想着大理的蓝天…… 想着想着,竟然收到邻居送来的一片天。这是意念中发生了神奇的变化还是纯属巧合?

VIVI, is a social media worker. She specializes in bringing singers/artistes from Europe and the US to mainland China. VIVI loves drawing and painting during her leisure time. Hidden within that petiteness lies this massive energy anticipating to bring colors to life! Let’s play!
VIVI 是一个传媒工作者,专为欧美歌手艺人打造在中国发展的机会。业余的时间里,她喜欢画画。小巧的外表下有着具爆发力的画风,她笔下的色彩非常令人期待。一起玩吧!