MuMu (Dali) * 木木(大理)

We first met at her cafe, sometime back in April. Watching MuMu picking out the greens in the yard for her handmade dumpling soup turned out to be pretty fascinating and memorable. At nightfall, we sipped on MuMu’s homemade MuGua wine and talked about life in Dali. There was this surreal feeling that we've known each other for a really long time.
PS: MuGua is a fruit of Yunnan-Dali, commonly used as a condiment in Bai-styled cooking – not to be confused with the usual Papaya (MuGua)
初见木木在她的咖啡馆,已是半年前的事了。最深刻的是看她小心翼翼地从自家院子摘菜心下汤(还有自制的水饺喔),太奇妙了。夜深的时候,她一边分享自己酿制的木瓜酒,一边聊着大理的生活…… 真是酒不醉人,人自醉,眼前美丽的陌生人感觉像认识了好久的朋友。

When we met again this time, it was in the cosy courtyard of her guesthouse. Whilst catching up on the recent changes in our lives, we couldn't help but invite her to “play with us”. For someone who meets strangers every day, how would she use our November postcard? We can’t wait!
再次相见时,我们坐在她客栈的院子里,聊着各自的变化。忍不住问她 “木木,要不要一起玩?” 很好奇一个天天都会见到陌生面孔的人,会怎么用我们11月的明信片?拭目以待吧!